For Whom is a Discovery Weekend?
The Discovery Weekend is for couples seriously considering marriage. They can be engaged to marry in a week’s time or going steady for a short period but contemplating marriage. The weekend is not necessarily for perfectly matched couples nor is it designed to help unstable relationships. The program is intended to enrich and deepen the couple’s relationship to better prepare them for marriage. So any couple may join the program, regardless of the status of their relationships-as long as marriage is in their minds.
Does the Weekend Commit the Couple to Marry? Or What If the Weekend Causes a Break-UP?
The Discovery Weekend is a positive approach. It cannot lead to a wrong step. The partners decide to break up after taking the program, they still come out winners for they would have a better knowledge of themselves and the kind of partners they are looking for. They would be better prepared for their next serious relationship.
What Happens at a Discovery Weekend?
The basic method used throughout the weekend consists of three steps.
- Presentation by the team-couple
- Personal written reflection aided by questionnaire; and
- Couple-dialogue.
Throughout the entire weekend the couple works in an atmosphere of love and trust, of peace and privacy. It is a rare opportunity for real togetherness without pressure of work, studies or social obligations. This live-in program lasts for 48 hours, from 5:30 Friday evening to 6:00 Sunday evening. For lodging, the ladies stay in one floor while the gentlemen stay in another floor. The team of three experienced married couples and a priest-chaplain are responsible for the running and conduct of the entire weekend.
Do the Couples Reveal their Problems or Share their Thoughts to the Group for Discussion and Criticism?
No. Couple Dialogue are done privately. This is not a T-group nor a sensitivity group session. The weekend is couple oriented and there is no socializing among couples, except at certain specified times.
How Will A Discovery Weekend Prepare a Couple for Marriage?
The Discovery Weekend prepares the couple to approach marriage in all its dimension. They discuss points that are often taken for granted or are simply not brought up, points they may not have thought of but which are important in marriage. Throughout the weekend they work in a spirit of loving trust and acquire a method of communication that can truly spell the difference in their marriage. Thus, the couple enters marriage more attuned to each other and better prepared to tackle daily problems.
Does a Discovery Weekend Then Assure Better Marriages for Couples WHO Take it?
No program can assure such a promise. The Discovery Weekend, in fact, is only a beginning and it will take the couple the rest of their life together to finish the job. The program is merely a tool so the couple is better equipped to enter marriage.